Saturday, 30 April 2016

The Beginning

Starting a new project is always exciting and thrilling.

My part in this blog is, to take you with me to my journey of a self experiment in which I try to live one week without buying any food which is wrapped in plastic. Probably you may think one week is not such a long time but I have the feeling that it is not going to be easy because nearly every food I usually buy is wrapped in plastic. Cheese, meat, sausages, even some vegetables and fruits.
You could ask, why I just choosed the plastic waste renunciation in the relation to the grocery shopping and not in the relation of plastic in general. It is because I made the following observation: During a walk through all the rooms in my home I documented every piece which is made from plactic. In general I noticed, that lamps, some furniture, all technical devices, some boxes and bowls contain plastic. In the bedroom additionally I found clothes hangers and sock clips. In the bathroom I documented the toilet lid, my toothbrush and a lot of shampoo and make up bottles. Most of the objects which contain plastic are made for long term use.
But after a look into my kitchen and especially into the refridgerator I was appalled how much daily plastic waste we throw into the rubbish just because all our food is wrapped. Why on earth does the cucumber needs a plastic cover? I can´t imagine to live radical without any plastic, but I can imagine to live without all these wrappings and packages made from plastic. This also includes plastic bags.
 I´m already vigliant about my consumption of plastic bags but it can still be improved.

In the next days I will share my preparation and some thoughts with you. I´m going to start my self experiment in the week from 16.-22. May.

I hope you enjoy reading about my experiences and thought.


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