Sunday, 22 May 2016

Day 4 - The Weekly Market in Neu Wulmstorf

I got up at about seven o'clock, took my bike and went to Neu Wulmstorf which is the next village and about 3 km away. My plan was to buy some meat and salad on the weekly market which opens every Wednesday and Saturday from 08:00 a.m. till 1 p.m.. I have never been at this weekly market before. It is just a small one but you can find friendly sellers and everything you need. At the butcher I bought some steaks and a few slices of meat loaf. It was possible to place my own storage boxes on the top of the counter to fill it with the groceries. The friendly seller told me that it wouldn't be allowed to take the boxes behind the counter, but the way to fill it on top of the counter is a legal way and there are no problems with the hygenic standards. She also told me that there are already lots of people who bring their own storage boxes to save on plastic bags and waste. I am happy to hear this.

The next stop was the fruit seller where I bought some lamb's lettuce. I was happy to get this kind of salad without any plastic, because it is my favourite one and it is impossible to buy it unwrapped at a common supermarket. I found it problematic to prepare the salad. Even after washing the salad two times, there was a lot of sand between our teeth while eating it. I´'m not used to it from the wrapped salad. You could think now that I'm a bit sensitive and fussy, but I really didn't  like it!! :-) That's why I have to be a lot more conscientious next time with washing the salad.
The day was a nice one and I could imagine to retry it.

Best regards from Sophie

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