Saturday, 2 July 2016

Conceptos Plasticos by Oscar Menderez

Hey mannn! We found another gem: You don’t understand Spanish? Neither do we. But our intercultural and superb intellectual skills allow us to translate it for you. As you might have read about plastic pollution in our previous post, we are bombarded with trash all around the world. Only half a century later, Louis Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World” might sound a little bit like: “I see trees of green and red coke cans too!” Now we are stuck with beaches that no one wants to sunbathe at, meadows where you don’t want to have your picnic and ocean’s where you don’t even want to take a selfie of yourself on the deck of your yacht. Everything is covered with rubbish. While this might seem hyperbolic to you, huge parts of most developing countries simply do not belong to protected areas and their policies simply do not tackle environmental issues. In addition to that most of the developing countries have more “urgent” things to fight for than the restoration of picnic’s aesthetics and the “what’s more urgent than?” safety of mother earth - or in that case anything a treehugger is waking up for. Questions that concern them include: “How can I feed my family? Will I ever live decently outside the slums? Will I have a roof above my head next night?“ –as quoted from Captain Obvious.

Japanese Art might change as well

“What a bummer”, you might think. We’ve first, got to fight social issues, then environmental issues and then only we can care about aesthetics and ambience. “Why not tackling everything at once?” says Oscar Mendez. He has won the Unilever-Young Entrepreneur Award for a simple yet sophisticated idea. Since there is so much trash, why not simply using them as a resource? Since there are so many homeless people, why not simply building more homes? Since it is so nasty to watch at what once used to be beautiful Colombian nature, why not try A E S T H E T I C S? Housing doesn’t have to be expensive and cheap housing doesn’t have to look rubbish.

Another beautiful human being

His company is collecting thrown-away plastics and shreds and molds them into something like Lego-bricks with which you can easily build 40 m² big houses! This recycling method is also very similar to that of our previously mentioned genius from “Precious Plastics”. So far Oscar Mendez and his team have recycled more than 300 tons (!!!) of plastics and build many countless homes for the underprivileged. If this isn’t an achievement and positive karma boost!
The housing looks really nice, albeit being grey and it is made of high-quality, strong, durable and low-cost material made out of plastic and rubber leftovers. Just watch that video: 

I hope that these kind of projects spread like wildfire around the world.


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