Wednesday, 29 June 2016

The Amazing Bali Girls

"We are not telling you it´s going to be easy. We´re telling you it´s going to be worth it."
Isabel and Melati Wijsen - September 2015

During our research about plastic waste pollution and people who care about these problems we came across a TED Talk by two amazing sisters from Bali. They are on a mission to stop plastic bags suffocating their beautiful island of Bali.
The girls tabled a petition, organized beach cleanups and they didn´t even a spare a hunger strike.

You have to watch this TED Talk otherwise you will miss two role models who show us what it really means to care about our planet and our future.

Have one of you ever been so keenly interested in something that you put your live at risk?
I haven´t and deep inside of me I feel bad about it. Too often we close our eyes to the sad things that happen in the world. We feel so far away from the rest of the world. We just care about our, what we call, real problems like a new summer dress, a friend´s wedding and the marks of our children. More often we should care about world wide problems, the environment or just the refugee who lives in our neighboorhood.

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